Open Doors Day at the Department.
Join us for Open Doors Day on the 14th of October (starting from 14:00) at the Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University! Explore our labs, meet the team, and discover our research.

Group of Biophysical Chemistry of Protein Complexes
Protein-protein interactions, the structure of protein complexes, and mechanisms of protein function regulation.
T. Obsil, A. Brzezina, A. Tekel. Room 302, 14:00-18:00
Group of Polymer synthesis and biomaterials
We are exploring the materials of the future - come and find out how we polymerize new ideas!
O. Sedláček, O. Kopilec, A. Zajíčková. Room 309, 14:00-18:00
Group of Porous Polymers
Hundreds of square meters of surface area in one gram of material - come and see how porous polymers are created and what they are good for!
J. Sedláček, M. Vaňková. Room 309, 14:00-18:00
Soft Matter Group
Experimental and computational studies of self-organized systems based on electrostatic interactions between polymer chains (polyelectrolytes).
M. Štěpánek. Room 149, 14:00-18:00
Soft Matter Theory Group
We can calculate everything, come and see yourself.
Uhlik, J. Tkac. Room 224, 14:00-18:00
Nanomaterials Modelling Group
Understanding the nano-materials of today, designing the nano-materials of tomorrow
L. Grajciar, T. Benesova, I. Saha. Room 365, 14:00-18:00
Let´s separate and understand!
K. Kalíková, Z. Vosáhlová, T. Dérerová. Room 231, 14:00-17:00
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Advanced Materials
Structure determination of zeolites
M. Mazur. Room 150, 16:00-18:00
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Advanced Materials
Electron Microscopy Laboratory
M. Mazur, room 032, 16:00-18:00