Mariya Shamzhy
Doc., Ph.D., Associate professor
Room number:
Research Group:
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Advanced Materials
Mariya Shamzhy received her master degree in Chemistry from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Then she joined L.V. Pisarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), where she completed her PhD in 2013. She spent 1 year as Post-doctoral Fellow at J. Heyrovsky Institute of physical chemistry under the supervision of Prof. J. Čejka. In 2014–2016 she continued her research work at J. Heyrovsky Institute being supported by the Grant agency of the Czech Republic. Mariya holds a position of Assistant Professor at Faculty of Science, Charles University from 2017.
Her research interests are focused on the design and FTIR study of nanostructured materials, their application as catalysts for the synthesis of fine chemicals.
Highlights of research:
- Tailoring the active sites in zeolite-based catalysts
- Characterization of nanostructured materials using FTIR spectroscopy