Peter Košovan

+420 221 951 029
Room number:
311 A
Research areas
- Modeling of charged soft matter
- Coarse-grainged simulations
- Polyelectrolytes in solution
- Hydrogels, charged polymer networks
- Diffusion of small particles in polymer systems
Short vita
Originally I come from Slovakia where I have lived until my University studies.
I did my master (2005) and PhD (2009) in Macromolecular Chemistry under prof. Karel Procházka at the Depatrment of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
2010-2013 I worked as a researcher (postdoc) in the Group of prof. Christian Holm at the Institute for Comupational Physics (ICP) at the University in Stuttgart.
Since February 2013 I have been working again at the Depatrment of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry as researcher.