
of the department of physical and macromolecular chemistry

Departmental Seminars

The Seminars of the Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry are back, and in the upcoming semester they will be organized in the following way: There are going to be guest speakers and PhD students presenting during the semester.

The lectures will take place on Wednesdays in building of Chemical departments (Hlavova 8, Praha 2) at 14:00 in lecture room CH3

1st year master students presentations

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

March 26, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 03/26/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague 1st year master students presentations Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Seminar talk

April 2, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 04/02/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Seminar talk

1st year master students presentations

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

April 9, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 04/09/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague 1st year master students presentations Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Seminar talk

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

April 16, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 04/16/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Seminar talk Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

1st year PhD students presentations

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

April 23, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 04/23/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague 1st year PhD students presentations Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

1st year PhD students presentations

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

May 7, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 05/07/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague 1st year PhD students presentations Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Seminar talk

by Dr., Eddy Dib

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

May 14, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 05/14/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Seminar talk Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Liblice retreat

May 21, 2025 - (09:00 )

Add to Calendar 05/21/2025 09:00 Europe/Prague Liblice retreat

Key Concepts for Biomass Burial as a Negative Emissions Technology

Terrestrial Storage of Biomass (TSB) is a Negative Emission Technology for removing CO2 already in the atmosphere. Compared to other NETs, TSB is a natural, carbon- and energy-efficient, and low-cost option. Nature performs the work of removal by growing  biomass via photosynthesis. The key to permanent carbon sequestration is to bury the biomass in pits designed to minimize decomposition. Decomposition of wood follows the same path as decomposition of municipal waste in landfills. A review of the chemistry of biomass formation and decomposition leads to key concepts for TSB burial pit design. Decomposition is inherently slow due to the cross-linking and dense packing of cellulose. Like catalytic reactions, decomposition attack can only occur at the surface. Methane formation from even asmall amount of decomposition has been raised as a concern due to its high global  warming potential. This concern is shown to be unfounded due to a great difference in time constants for methane formation and its removal from the air by ozone oxidation. The small extent of woody biomass decomposition is spread over hundreds to thousands of years. However, methane has a short lifetime in air of only about 12 years. A model that couples the exceedingly slow rate of methane formation with the fast
removal by oxidation predicts that methane will peak at a very small fraction of the buried biomass carbon within about 10 years and then rapidly decay towards zero. The implication is that no additional equipment needs to be added to TSB to collect and burn
the methane as is done in municipal landfills.


Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

March 12, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 03/12/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Key Concepts for Biomass Burial as a Negative Emissions Technology

Terrestrial Storage of Biomass (TSB) is a Negative Emission Technology for removing CO2 already in the atmosphere. Compared to other NETs, TSB is a natural, carbon- and energy-efficient, and low-cost option. Nature performs the work of removal by growing  biomass via photosynthesis. The key to permanent carbon sequestration is to bury the biomass in pits designed to minimize decomposition. Decomposition of wood follows the same path as decomposition of municipal waste in landfills. A review of the chemistry of biomass formation and decomposition leads to key concepts for TSB burial pit design. Decomposition is inherently slow due to the cross-linking and dense packing of cellulose. Like catalytic reactions, decomposition attack can only occur at the surface. Methane formation from even asmall amount of decomposition has been raised as a concern due to its high global  warming potential. This concern is shown to be unfounded due to a great difference in time constants for methane formation and its removal from the air by ozone oxidation. The small extent of woody biomass decomposition is spread over hundreds to thousands of years. However, methane has a short lifetime in air of only about 12 years. A model that couples the exceedingly slow rate of methane formation with the fast
removal by oxidation predicts that methane will peak at a very small fraction of the buried biomass carbon within about 10 years and then rapidly decay towards zero. The implication is that no additional equipment needs to be added to TSB to collect and burn
the methane as is done in municipal landfills.


Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Heterogeneous Catalysis in Nanopores: The Benefit of Hierarchical Pore Systems

Nanoporous catalysts are applied in a broad range ofchemical conversions. Often, however, low catalyst effectiveness factors may result, if mass-transfer limitations exist. Additional pore systems with larger dimensions in the macro- and mesoporous range may help to increase accessibility and mass-transfer to and away from the catalytically active sites. This presentation will highlightseveral examples in the field of catalysis over hierarchically structured materials. In particular, the role of diffusion forchemical reactions occurring on and in hierarchical nanoporous catalysts will be emphasized. First, microporous catalysts with a secondary “auxiliary” system of larger, mainly mesopores and, thus, improved catalyticactivity or stability will be treated.

The discussion will involve the transport scenarios of fast and slow molecular exchange, accessibility of active sites as well as the potential influence of surface barriers on the prevailing transport properties within the catalysts. Secondly, the potential of  ntroducing larger (macro)pores and optimizing the geometry of hierarchical pore systems for the use in heterogeneous catalysis will be outlined. Considerable rate enhancements can be achieved, e.g., for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over  eso-/macroporous V2O5/TiO2 catalysts, based on theoretical evidence, or for the methanation of CO2 over Ni on over meso/macroporous Al2O3 monoliths. Finally, future challenges will be derived enabling a rational design of catalysts with complex  ierarchical pore systems based on advanced experimental and theoretical methods to study molecular diffusion and conversion.

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

March 5, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 03/05/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Heterogeneous Catalysis in Nanopores: The Benefit of Hierarchical Pore Systems

Nanoporous catalysts are applied in a broad range ofchemical conversions. Often, however, low catalyst effectiveness factors may result, if mass-transfer limitations exist. Additional pore systems with larger dimensions in the macro- and mesoporous range may help to increase accessibility and mass-transfer to and away from the catalytically active sites. This presentation will highlightseveral examples in the field of catalysis over hierarchically structured materials. In particular, the role of diffusion forchemical reactions occurring on and in hierarchical nanoporous catalysts will be emphasized. First, microporous catalysts with a secondary “auxiliary” system of larger, mainly mesopores and, thus, improved catalyticactivity or stability will be treated.

The discussion will involve the transport scenarios of fast and slow molecular exchange, accessibility of active sites as well as the potential influence of surface barriers on the prevailing transport properties within the catalysts. Secondly, the potential of  ntroducing larger (macro)pores and optimizing the geometry of hierarchical pore systems for the use in heterogeneous catalysis will be outlined. Considerable rate enhancements can be achieved, e.g., for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over  eso-/macroporous V2O5/TiO2 catalysts, based on theoretical evidence, or for the methanation of CO2 over Ni on over meso/macroporous Al2O3 monoliths. Finally, future challenges will be derived enabling a rational design of catalysts with complex  ierarchical pore systems based on advanced experimental and theoretical methods to study molecular diffusion and conversion.

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Molecular Insights into PFAS Adsorption in Hydrophobic Zeolites

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) represent a group of synthetic chemicals that have garnered considerable attention in recent years due to their widespread use and persistent presence in the environment. These compounds, often referred to as "forever chemicals," are renowned for their resistance to degradation, posing significant challenges for environmental and human health. PFAS demonstrate notable diversity in their physical and chemical properties, which are contingent upon factors such as the type of the polar head group and length of the perfluorinated non-polar tail. Such diverse chemical and physical attributes, combined with their high mobility in soil and ground, render the traditional water treatment technologies ineffective for the removal of PFAS from water.

My research group has been studying the adsorption of PFAS from water in porous materials, including polymers, metal-organic frameworks, zeolites, and covalent organic frameworks, by employing advanced molecular simulation techniques. In my seminar, I will present our recent research on the effects of surface thermodynamics, fluorinated tail length, and acid head group type on the kinetics and energetics of PFAS adsorption in hydrophobic zeolites, using enhanced sampling methods and ab initio molecular dynamics. Time permitting, I will also briefly discuss our ongoing research on machine learning-assisted exploration of covalent organic frameworks for the removal of short-chain PFAS from water.

Lecture hall CH2, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Feb. 28, 2025 - (10:00 )

Add to Calendar 02/28/2025 10:00 Europe/Prague Molecular Insights into PFAS Adsorption in Hydrophobic Zeolites

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) represent a group of synthetic chemicals that have garnered considerable attention in recent years due to their widespread use and persistent presence in the environment. These compounds, often referred to as "forever chemicals," are renowned for their resistance to degradation, posing significant challenges for environmental and human health. PFAS demonstrate notable diversity in their physical and chemical properties, which are contingent upon factors such as the type of the polar head group and length of the perfluorinated non-polar tail. Such diverse chemical and physical attributes, combined with their high mobility in soil and ground, render the traditional water treatment technologies ineffective for the removal of PFAS from water.

My research group has been studying the adsorption of PFAS from water in porous materials, including polymers, metal-organic frameworks, zeolites, and covalent organic frameworks, by employing advanced molecular simulation techniques. In my seminar, I will present our recent research on the effects of surface thermodynamics, fluorinated tail length, and acid head group type on the kinetics and energetics of PFAS adsorption in hydrophobic zeolites, using enhanced sampling methods and ab initio molecular dynamics. Time permitting, I will also briefly discuss our ongoing research on machine learning-assisted exploration of covalent organic frameworks for the removal of short-chain PFAS from water.

Lecture hall CH2, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Conference for Master’s and Ph.D. Students

We warmly invite all students and attendees to join the presentation competition for Master’s and Ph.D. students of our department! Come support your colleagues, get inspired by their research projects, and participate in discussions with experts in the field. The conference will be held on the 11th of February in the lecture hall CH2.

For more details, visit


CH2 Lecture Hall

Feb. 11, 2025 - (09:00 )

Add to Calendar 02/11/2025 09:00 Europe/Prague Conference for Master’s and Ph.D. Students

We warmly invite all students and attendees to join the presentation competition for Master’s and Ph.D. students of our department! Come support your colleagues, get inspired by their research projects, and participate in discussions with experts in the field. The conference will be held on the 11th of February in the lecture hall CH2.

For more details, visit


CH2 Lecture Hall

Will Nano-Zeolites have an impact on the Energy Transition…& beyond?

After a short introduction highlighting the current importance of zeolites in oil refining and petrochemistry, I will introduce the "Zeolite Crystal Engineering" as practiced in Caen. Nanosized zeolites are just one facet of Zeolite Crystal Engineering where the properties of a particular structure are tuned to meet the requirements of specific applications.

Nanozeolites are not only a laboratory invention but a commercial reality that found its place in catalytic processes and separations by adsorption. However, as potentially new applications of zeolites in the energy transition will push them outside their current comfort zone (i.e. working at high T in very endothermic reactions or working in hot water conditions), their resilience to extreme environment will be tested.

I will use two examples, one in catalysis (CH4 upgrading to H2 and aromatics) and one in adsorption (selective CO2 adsorption from a CH4/CO2 mixture) to highlight their potential and illustrate the challenges encountered.

Finally, I will show promising results leading to the use of nanozeolites in glioblastoma (a debilitating form of brain cancer) theragnostic.

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Feb. 5, 2025 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 02/05/2025 14:00 Europe/Prague Will Nano-Zeolites have an impact on the Energy Transition…& beyond?

After a short introduction highlighting the current importance of zeolites in oil refining and petrochemistry, I will introduce the "Zeolite Crystal Engineering" as practiced in Caen. Nanosized zeolites are just one facet of Zeolite Crystal Engineering where the properties of a particular structure are tuned to meet the requirements of specific applications.

Nanozeolites are not only a laboratory invention but a commercial reality that found its place in catalytic processes and separations by adsorption. However, as potentially new applications of zeolites in the energy transition will push them outside their current comfort zone (i.e. working at high T in very endothermic reactions or working in hot water conditions), their resilience to extreme environment will be tested.

I will use two examples, one in catalysis (CH4 upgrading to H2 and aromatics) and one in adsorption (selective CO2 adsorption from a CH4/CO2 mixture) to highlight their potential and illustrate the challenges encountered.

Finally, I will show promising results leading to the use of nanozeolites in glioblastoma (a debilitating form of brain cancer) theragnostic.

Lecture hall CH3, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Opening of AFM/SEM Laboratory

by FRS FRSE FRSC FLSW, Russell Edward Morris

To officially open the new AFM/SEM laboratory at the faculty, we will have a program of presentations followed by an open discussion and a tour of the new facility.

Lecture hall CH1, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Dec. 11, 2024 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 12/11/2024 14:00 Europe/Prague Opening of AFM/SEM Laboratory

To officially open the new AFM/SEM laboratory at the faculty, we will have a program of presentations followed by an open discussion and a tour of the new facility.

Lecture hall CH1, Faculty of Science, Hlavova 8, Praha 2

Insight into heterogeneous catalysts by advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful techniques and a thriving field of methodological advances for atomic level characterization of materials, small molecules and biologic matter. In the Wisser solid-state NMR group at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, we take a close look at the surfaces and interfaces in modern, functional materials and catalysts.

Chemistry happens at these interfaces, therefore we want to obtain a molecular understanding of structures and active centers and their impact on function and reactivity. We further develop methods for real time observation, under in situ and operando conditions of chemical reactions and catalysis.

Examples of our current research on Supported Ionic Liquid Phase catalysts, carbon-based materials and metal-organic frameworks will be presented.

Lecture Hall CH3, Faculty of Sciences, Hlavova 8, Prague

Dec. 4, 2024 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 12/04/2024 14:00 Europe/Prague Insight into heterogeneous catalysts by advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful techniques and a thriving field of methodological advances for atomic level characterization of materials, small molecules and biologic matter. In the Wisser solid-state NMR group at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, we take a close look at the surfaces and interfaces in modern, functional materials and catalysts.

Chemistry happens at these interfaces, therefore we want to obtain a molecular understanding of structures and active centers and their impact on function and reactivity. We further develop methods for real time observation, under in situ and operando conditions of chemical reactions and catalysis.

Examples of our current research on Supported Ionic Liquid Phase catalysts, carbon-based materials and metal-organic frameworks will be presented.

Lecture Hall CH3, Faculty of Sciences, Hlavova 8, Prague

Career in Science and Evaluation of projects

by prof. Ing., DrSc., Jiří Čejka

You are warmly invited to attend the departmental seminar next week (CH3, wednesday at 14:00), which will involve a presentation and discussion with Prof. Jiří Čejka.

It will cover topics of science, career, grants, choosing a group and a field, and other interesting subjects related to the academic life. There will be a question and answer session afterwards, to which you are encouraged to bring your questions, whether about industry or academia.

Hlavova 8, CH3

Nov. 27, 2024 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 11/27/2024 14:00 Europe/Prague Career in Science and Evaluation of projects

You are warmly invited to attend the departmental seminar next week (CH3, wednesday at 14:00), which will involve a presentation and discussion with Prof. Jiří Čejka.

It will cover topics of science, career, grants, choosing a group and a field, and other interesting subjects related to the academic life. There will be a question and answer session afterwards, to which you are encouraged to bring your questions, whether about industry or academia.

Hlavova 8, CH3

Application of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry in Self-assembly Studies

Hlavova 8, CH2

Nov. 21, 2024 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 11/21/2024 14:00 Europe/Prague Application of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry in Self-assembly Studies Hlavova 8, CH2

Masters' students presentations

Short presentations from five Masters' students about their scientific work

  1. Adéla Olšovská
  2. Peter Illes
  3. Marek Živný
  4. Frantisek Krakl
  5. Kristyna Pokorna

Nov. 20, 2024 - (14:00 )

Add to Calendar 11/20/2024 14:00 Europe/Prague Masters' students presentations

Short presentations from five Masters' students about their scientific work

  1. Adéla Olšovská
  2. Peter Illes
  3. Marek Živný
  4. Frantisek Krakl
  5. Kristyna Pokorna