Phosducin (Pdc)

Phosducin (Pdc) is a highly conserved acidic phosphoprotein that regulates visual signal transduction by modulating the
amount of transducin Gtαβγ heterotrimer through competition with the Gta subunit for binding to the Gtβγ complex. Pdc was also shown to regulate the cardiovascular system by modulating sympathetic activity and blood pressure. Phosducin function is regulated through the phosphorylation and the binding to the 14-3-3 protein. Main goal of this project was to elucidate solution structure of the 14-3-3:pPdc complex and provide a mechanistic explanation for the inhibitory effect of the 14-3-3 protein binding on interaction between phosducin and G protein. This project was funded by Czech Science Foundation (Project P305/11/0708).