Conference for Master’s and Ph.D. Students
We warmly invite all students and attendees to join the presentation competition for Master’s and Ph.D. students of our department! Come support your colleagues, get inspired by their research projects, and participate in discussions with experts in the field. The conference will be held on the 11th of February in the lecture hall CH2.

Program of the Conference
Morning Session (starting from 9:00)
Opening – Ondřej Sedláček
Introduction of Committee and Supporting Companies
Master Students Presentations (12 minutes + 3 minutes for Q&A)
- M. Dědek. Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for Precise Quantum Sensing Using Relaxometry.
- F. Krakl. The Role of Aluminium Content in MFI Zeolites on the Thermal Stability of Palladium and Platinum Nanoparticles.
- K. Mrzílková. Computational Modeling of IGF2-Receptor Interaction.
Coffee Break (10.20-10.40)
- E. Müllerová. Optimizing the Cu-RDRP of poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate initiated by adducts of trichloroacetyl isocyanate.
- A. Olšovská. Anchoring functional species to surface silanols on zeolitic materials.
- K. Veselá. Zeolite-amine complex catalysis of Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley type hydrogen transfer reactions.
- D. Willimetz. Gaining insights into aluminium distribution in zeolites using machine learning.
- M. Živný. Immobilization of Secondary Chiral Amines for Heterogeneous Catalysis.
Lunch break (12:00-13:45)
Afternoon Session (starting from 13:45)
Doctoral Students Presentations (15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A)
- T. Benešová. Structure and Stability of Silica-Supported Platinum clusters via Neural Network Potentials.
- J. Martinka. Efficient Machine Learning of Nonadiabatic Coupling Vectors for Fewest-Switches Surface Hopping.
- M. Orságh. Synergizing visible light-mediated cationic and radical PET RAFT through electron-rich dithiobenzoates.
- E. Shamma. Stabilizing Hydrolytically Labile Germanosilicate Zeolite UWY for Catalytic Applications.
- A. Šmelko. Unlocking MQMAS Potential with Optimal Control Theory.
Coffee Break (15:25-15:45)
- F. Steiner. Advancing Quantum Biosensing: Surface-Functionalized Nanodiamonds for Selective Nucleic Acid Detection.
- D. Sudakova. Supporting metal nanoparticles at 2D zeolites for lignin valorization model reactions.
- T. A. Tunca Arin. Water-soluble fluorinated copolymers as highly sensitive 19 F MRI tracers: From structure optimization to multimodal tumor imaging.
- J. Xie. Palladium/zeolites nanoclusters catalysts improve selectivity for partial hydrogenation of alkynes.
- Y. Zhang. Identification and Quantification of Lewis Acid Zr-BEA Zeolite: An in situ FTIR study.
Committee Evaluation (17.25-17.35)
Award Ceremony (17.35-17.45)
The P. Nachtigall Award
The presentations will be evaluated by representatives of partner companies: ČEZ, Anamet, Optik Instruments, Merck, Nicolet, Thermo Fisher.
• Ph.D. category
- 1. place: 15 000 Kč
- 2. place: 10 000 Kč
- 3. place: 5 000 Kč
• Master's category
- 1. place: 10 000 Kč
- 2. place: 6 000 Kč
- 3. place: 4 000 Kč
Registration and Abstract Submission
Deadline for abstract submission: January 17, 2025
Abstracts must be one page and follow the provided template
abstract_template.docx (21.2 kB)
Please submit the abstract by sending it to
We look forward to your great scientific presentations!