Journal Articles by Y. Yang
Y. Yu
Z. Slanina
F. Wang
Y. Yang
Y. Lian
F. Uhlik
B. Xin
L. Feng
Ho2O@D3(85)-C92: Highly Stretched Cluster Dictated by a Giant Cage and Unexplored Isomerization
American Chemical Society (ACS), 2020
Ho2O@D3(85)-C92: Highly Stretched Cluster Dictated by a Giant Cage and Unexplored Isomerization
American Chemical Society (ACS), 2020
J. Liu
Y. Yang
P. Lyu
P. Nachtigall
Y. Xu
Few-Layer Silicene Nanosheets with Superior Lithium-Storage Properties
Few-Layer Silicene Nanosheets with Superior Lithium-Storage Properties
Advanced Materials,