Journal Articles by S. Jana
S. Das
S. Jana
M. Orsagh
K. Bys
J. Mishra
M. Uchman
V. Adyam
Building Sodium Metal Battery with Polyisoprene-Based Air-Stable Single-Ion Gel Polymer Electrolyte
Building Sodium Metal Battery with Polyisoprene-Based Air-Stable Single-Ion Gel Polymer Electrolyte
ACS Applied Energy Materials,
S. Jana
M. Uchman
Poly(2-oxazoline)-based stimulus-responsive (Co)polymers: An overview of their design, solution properties, surface-chemistries and applications
Poly(2-oxazoline)-based stimulus-responsive (Co)polymers: An overview of their design, solution properties, surface-chemistries and applications
Progress in Polymer Science,