Soft Matter Research Group

The Soft Matter Group, headed by Professor Miroslav Štěpánek, is a part of the Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry of the Charles University in Prague. Our interdisciplinary research very much sits at the interface between physics and chemistry of macromolecules and biomacromolecules. It includes study of solutions of both synthetic and biological macromolecules; their thermodynamic and kinetic properties, such as self assembly, aggregation, diffusion, etc.

We also study mechanisms of (surface) plasmon-enhanced optical processes in molecules and of reactions undergone by molecules on surfaces of nanoparticles (NPS) in plasmonic NPs-molecules hybrid systems, with focus on the photochemical and the plasmon-mediated reactions; optimization and utilization of methods of molecular spectroscopy based on (surface) plasmon enhanced optical processes.

For studies of these systems, we use methods, such as light, X-ray and neutron scattering, calorimetry, TEM, AFM, SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering), SERRS (surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering), SEL (surface-enhanced luminescence), SEIRA (surface-enhanced infrared absorption) and computer modelling.

If you are interested in joining our group, as a graduate or undergraduate student, or as a postdoctoral fellow, please see the page open positions



Theory and simulations

  • Coarse grained simulations of polymers
  • Mean-field and analytical numerical modeling
  • Simulations of acid-base equilibria and reaction equilibria in complex fluids


  • Light scattering
  • TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy)
  • Calorimetry
  • Fluorometry


  • Synthesis of block copolymers
  • Post-polymerization modification
  • Exoskeletal substitution of boron cluster compounds

People of the group

Academic staff

Miroslav Štěpánek

prof. RNDr., Ph.D.


Karel Procházka

prof. RNDr., DrSc.


Pavel Matějíček

prof. RNDr., Ph.D.


Zuzana Limpouchová

Doc. Ing., CSc

Associate professor

Blanka Vlčková

prof. RNDr., CSc.

Professor emeritus

Peter Košovan

Doc. RNDr., Ph.D.

Associate professor

Ivana Šloufová

RNDr., Ph.D

Associate professor

Mariusz Uchman

Ing., Ph.D.

Assistant professor

Umatai Ananda Hale


Postdoctoral Fellow

Katarzyna Maria Byś


Doctoral student

Belhssen Hleli


Doctoral student

Jana Hrnčířová


Doctoral student

Jan Kožíšek


Doctoral student

Guilherme Martins


Doctoral student

Soňa Mesíková


Doctoral student

Magdaléna Nejedlá


Doctoral student

Sebastian Pineda Pineda


Doctoral student

Ipsita Padhee


Doctoral student

Angelo Ghilardi

Bachelor student

Vojtěch Keprta


Master student

Jakub Krieger


Master student

Kristián Kučera

Bachelor student

Eliška Stančíková

Bachelor student